
Terms of use


All content on LSI – Germany GmbH websites is protected by copyright – especially texts, images, logos, graphic elements, audio clips, animations and videos. LSI – Germany GmbH grants you to view and display or to download content on these websites only for private and non-commercial use. An external link requires written permission by LSI – Germany GmbH.


LSI – Germany GmbH has created this website exercising a maximum of care, but does not warrant that all data, information or material for downloading is accurate, current and reliable at all times. The liability of LSI – Germany GmbH regarding your use of provided data, information or download material is strictly limited to lack of guaranteed properties, culpable violations of main duties, deliberate or grossly negligent violations of other duties or culpable health impairments.


All trademarks or logos used and/or displayed on the websites of LSI – Germany GmbH are registered trademarks. Any use of the displayed trademarks or logos by third parties is prohibited.

Privacy Statement


Thank you for your interest in our website and in our company. Privacy and protection of your personal data is a primary concern for us. We comply with legal provisions regarding protection of data privacy and data security.

We are governed by German governmental regulations set forth in the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and Telemediengesetz (TMG). Please find below what kind of personal data is collected when using our websites/microsite and its services and functions, as well as how and to what purposes this data is used.

This stored user data including your IP-address is deleted or anonymised as soon as it is no longer needed for the purpose stated above.


Websites of LSI – Germany GmbH also contain links to websites of third parties. The content on these third party websites was checked for unlawful content before embedding these links on our websites. However LSI – Germany GmbH is not responsible for any content accessed via links from third parties. If LSI – Germany GmbH notices or is notified that a third party link forwards to unlawful contents, this link will be removed if technically possible and reasonable.


On our websites you have the opportunity to interact with social networks run by third parties as described below.


We use a tool called Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies“, small text files, that are stored on your device and that enable Google Analytics to collect information about use of this site. Thus collected information is usually being transferred and stored on servers of Google based in the U.S. Please note that on our website a service for IP anonymization is installed and activated, so that your IP address is shortened by Google when you are based in a member state of the European Union or in other countries that are contracting parties of the European Economic area. Only in exceptional cases the complete IP address will be transferred to a Google server in the U.S. and will be shortened there. On our account Google will use the collected data to evaluate your use of the website, to create reports about activities on our website and other services regarding use of the website and internet. IP addresses collected via Google Analytics will not be merged with other data from Google. You may block cookies by adjusting the settings of your browser. In that case please note that you may not be able to use all functions of our website to their full extent. Furthermore you can prevent collection of your data - generated by cookies regarding your use of our website (including your IP address) - and further processing of this data through Google by downloading and installing the following plugin for your browser:


Downloading any programs is at your own risk. As permitted by law, LSI – Germany GmbH is not liable for any damage resulting from installation or use of software obtained from download section. Despite ongoing virus checks any liability for damages or impairments due to computer viruses is excluded, in accordance with applicable law.


On our website you will be able to contact us via contact form. Your thus provided data (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address…) is used to answer and process your requests.


Collected data regarding your use of our websites may be passed on to third-party companies on behalf of LSI – Germany GmbH, but only if necessary for purposes within the framework of this privacy statement. Within this framework data may be processed in countries outside the scope of directive 95/467EG of European Parliament and Council from 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (ABl. EG Nr. L 281 S. 31), because certain services may only be available on servers in the respective countries. If and when this kind of data transmission occurs, we ensure sufficient protection compliant to statutory data protection regulations via adequate warranties regarding your personal rights (e.g. being part of contractual agreements).


Further processing and use of your personal data is only made in accordance with statutory regulation or with your consent. Transmission of your data to third parties other than the above stated will not occur. Transfer of data to a service provider for data processing, who is bound by instructions, is reserved. We generally delete or anonymise your personal data immediately, as soon as it is are no longer needed for the above stated purposes. Specific details of above sections regarding storage and deletion of personal data remain unaffected.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact the data controller for this Site at:

Version of Privacy Statement as of March 2023

Copyright LSI – Germany GmbH